Thursday, July 12, 2007

I turned my back for 2 minutes.

So, I was doing something in the living room yesterday and wasnt watching what Jacob was doing. I could hear that he was in the bathroom, but I figured he was just playing with his soap bottle as usual. When I went to go get him, this is where I found him.
He must have climbed up onto the toilet, then onto the counter. Needless to say, I keep the bathroom door closed at all times now. I dont even want to think about what would have happened if he had fallen down.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Northern Beach Party!

Today we went over to a friends house for a "beach" birthday party. It was really just a pool on the deck, but when you live somewhere without a swimmable lake in sight, you have to improvise. It was a bit of a cool day today, so the pool was filled with warm water.Jacob went in the water long enough to get his clothes wet, then decided that was enough. He had a fun time playing with the kids and eating birthday cake.
One of the moms brought a blow up jumping room. Jacob went in and jumped for about 10 seconds, then wanted out. Here he is wanting to get out, but I had to get a picture first.
Can't wait to go to the real beach when we are home in a week!
We are having lots of fun with our new friends though. We get together a couple times a week, and they all seem really nice.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Canada Day

Even though the weather was miserable, our small town still put on a Canada Day Parade. We went with some friends of ours, and the kids got so much candy. Jacob got 2 freezies and a pocket full of candy. Some kids got bag fulls. He was so cute copying the other kids and picking up the candy off the ground.
I was all set to spend at least an hour watching the parade. That is what I am used to from the Peach fest parade. We had our chairs set up, I had snacks ready for Jacob, and the thing lasted about 10 minutes. After that we put Jacob down for a nap, then there was a free community barbeque that was moved to an empty warehouse because of the weather. We then went over to friends house and had a few drinks and pizza. It is so nice to have friends and just hang out somewhere besides our apartment. Jacob enjoyed playing with the kids, although he did get pushed and bumped his head on the corner of the door jam. He got a major goose egg on his forehead and the boy's mom felt so bad. The boy is almost 2, so I understand it is a wonderful characteristic of terrible twos. Today Jacob's head has a small scratch, and is barely bruised. He heals quickly.

We have had such terrible weather here. I cant believe it is July and we are all wearing pants and jackets. I cant wait until we come home in 2 weeks.

Today we went to a Regional Park that is about a half hour south of town. Jacob loves to be outside, so even though the weather was not great, we took him to play at the lake. Jacob had fun throwing rocks and sticks into the water. This lake is not swimmable, but it would be a nice place to have a picnic and a fire.